Committee Work

In addition to our services, we also work for you in various committees. Professors, staff and students sit around one table in a committee and decide and advise on the interests of the faculty. As representatives of the student body, we stand up for the interests of the students. Thanks to our two seats on the Faculty Council, which you awarded us in the last university election, we have the legitimacy to delegate members of the ADW to all committees. Below you will find a list of all committees, their functions and the student members.

Faculty Council

The highest decision-making body at the Faculty approves all changes to regulations, financial decisions and appointments. The Faculty Council also appoints the members of the other faculty-wide committees, who work with it and prepare recommendations for decisions. The meetings of the Faculty Council are divided into two parts: there is a public part and a non-public part.

Ben Lucke and Marisa Grasshoff

Examination Commission

Students can appeal against the result of their examination by submitting an application. This application is discussed and evaluated by the examination board on the basis of the regulations and, if necessary, is granted. In addition, the limits of the examination and study regulations can be shifted in specific cases via hardship regulations. As student representatives, we advocate fairness in the processing of applications.


Ben Lucke and David Filippo Löhl

Study Commission

All study-related decisions are made in the Study Commission. These primarily include changes to examination regulations, module catalogs or conceptual planning of any kind. In addition, the Study Commission decides on the use of decentralized study quality funds (formerly tuition fees), for example to finance extended library opening hours at weekends, tutorials or excursions. The special feature of the commission is its equal representation in accordance with the Lower Saxony Higher Education Act. Just as many students are entitled to vote on the committee as professors and academic staff. This is intended to ensure that nothing is decided over the students' heads.


Caroline Beckmann and Thiemo John Reichard

Jonah-Arvid Heidemann and Lasse Carstensen

Gina Rogge and Lisa Weimer

Annika Bollensen and Leonie Meyer

Ben Lucke

Faculty committee for SQM modification requests

As the name suggests, the ad hoc committee is responsible for short-term decisions relating to SQM applications (applications for study quality funding) and other applications. The committee members hardly ever sit together at the same table, as communication takes place almost exclusively by email

Gina Rogge and Thiemo John Reichard

Research Commission

The student representatives of the ADW contribute to a fair assessment of the scientists' research performance in the Research Commission. Among other things, scientific publications, e.g. in journals or specialist journals or textbooks, are evaluated in order to reward them later in accordance with the performance-oriented allocation of funds (LOM).

However, third-party funds raised for research, applications by professors for research semesters and their reports, as well as training measures for academic staff are also discussed. 

Moritz Nübel

Equal Opportunities Commission

A student representative of the ADW also represents the interests of students in the Equal Opportunities Commission. The committee mainly deals with issues of equality and diversity. This includes gender equality as well as dealing with students with disabilities. In addition, Ms. Konings, the Equal Opportunities Officer of the faculty, is also part of the committee in an advisory capacity. In principle, students are always invited to bring questions or grievances regarding equality to the commission via the ADW.

Cellina Stephan and Max Ufer

Finance Commission

The Finance Committee manages the budget and decides on the Faculty's financial regulations. We only have one seat here and all meetings of the commission are held in camera. In this committee, we work to ensure that money is not left lying around, but is invested sensibly and sustainably in improving studies and teaching.

       Marisa Grasshoff and Ben Lucke

BWL Department

The Business Administration Department is one of two departments at our faculty. In addition to the Business Administration degree course, the Business Informatics and Business Education degree courses, as well as their associated Master's degree courses, are also assigned to the department. Issues relating to the subjects, students, associated professors and projects are discussed here. The department's board meets regularly at the beginning of each semester - the current chair is held by Prof. Dr. Boztug. The Business Administration Department is a high authority in the faculty and is open to the problems and concerns of students. If you have fundamental criticism of procedures or circumstances within your degree program or suggestions for improvement and wishes, please feel free to contact us!


Zara Ziegler and Fabian Sieler

VWL Department

The Business Administration Department is one of two departments at our faculty. In addition to the Business Administration degree course, the Business Informatics and Business Education degree courses, as well as their associated Master's degree courses, are also assigned to the department. Issues relating to the subjects, students, associated professors and projects are discussed here. The department's board meets regularly at the beginning of each semester - the current chair is held by Prof. Dr. Boztug. The Business Administration Department is a high authority in the faculty and is open to the problems and concerns of students. If you have fundamental criticism of procedures or circumstances within your degree program or suggestions for improvement and wishes, please feel free to contact us!

Marisa Grasshoff and David Völler

Pia Moors and Lasse Carstensen

Library Commission

The Library Commission is primarily concerned with the Business, Economics and Social Sciences Library (WiSo-Bib) and its services. For example, possible literature or IT purchases, such as multifunctional devices or book scanners, are discussed. The purchase of licenses for the use of various publishing sites, e.g. Springer, or literature databases are also a topic here. This committee is made up alternately of student representatives from the social sciences and economics.

Milan Möhring and Jan Fischinger

Study Place Commission

The Admissions Committee decides on the admission of applicants for Bachelor's degree courses who have obtained their higher education entrance qualification (HZB) outside the EU. There is a separate quota of study places for this purpose. We are represented twice on the six-member commission and strive to ensure that the strengths of the applicants are recognized and that the best possible procedure is guaranteed.


The commission can recommend applicants whose HZB is not comparable to the Abitur to the Studienkolleg in Hanover so that they can achieve their HZB. Here we have achieved a regulation that opens up this opportunity to as many people as possible. After one year, they can reapply. This applies in particular to applicants from the USA, Russia or other former CIS states.

Josephine Fegert and Laura Sophie Kanne

Lena Jost

Master's admissions committee

This committee consists of members from the group of professors, academic staff and student representatives. Together they decide which applicants are admitted to a Master's program at our university and which are not. Each individual application is reviewed and assessed on the basis of the relevant admission regulations. The committee also has the option of imposing conditions, such as the completion and passing of an additional Bachelor's module. At the end, each applicant receives a letter of acceptance or rejection. If a conditional letter of admission has been issued, with which a condition is associated, this condition must be fulfilled within the first year of study. If a clear decision on admission or rejection is not possible, these applicants may be invited to an interview, at which a decision on suitability will be made.




We sit on the following MZKs as student representatives:

  • History of Global Markets
  • Development Economics
  • International Economics
  • Finance, accounting, taxes
  • Management (SoSe)
  • Business informatics
  • Business and Human Resource Education
  • Applied Statistics (SoSe)

Ben Lucke, Noah Maireless Fuentes, Elvira Frei, Florian Penzkofer, Moritz Nübel,

Alina Angermann, Emma Koch, Sebastian Dittmer, Katrin Hansen, Caroline Beckmann,

Gina Rogge, Annika Bollensen, Lena Jost, Leonie Meyer, Jan Fischinger, John Brüne,

Freya von Petersdorff-Campen, 

Anna von Plessen

Appointment Committees

Appointment committees are always set up at our faculty when either a new professorship is established or a professorship needs to be filled due to retirement or a change. The members determine the assessment criteria, review the applications and assess the candidates in teaching and research presentations as well as in interviews. Our task in appointment procedures is to pay particular attention to the applicants' suitability for teaching. Appointment presentations are usually open to the public.




We have a committee in the following areas:


  • Business Taxation
  • Business administration with a focus on enterprise architecture
  • Business administration with Smart Sales
  • Honorary professorship Meyer

Computer Center Commission

The Computer Center Commission becomes active when problems arise with the Intranet. It is necessary for the allocation of funds to solve these problems. Depending on the incident, the Data Center Commission meets and works closely with the GWDG.

Milan Möhring